When I was 16 I attended Bucky Waters Duke basketball camp and Jerry West was a guest speaker.

He hit ten free throws in a row with his EYES CLOSED.

Didn’t like shots with arc.

Super nice to us kids.

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Jerry West was my favorite player that wasn't a Blue Devil. Well, maybe a tie with DT. Terrific player and a good man. I think Jerry was called "The Cabin Creek Comet" in his high school days.

I actually met Bob Harris during one of his golf events. Matter of fact, my employer sponsored me in several Duke golf events. Bob was a one of the nicest people I've ever met. The first time I met him, he acted like we had known each other for years. He'll be missed.

God bless his family

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Jim, I was a huge NBA fan in the late '50s and throughout the '60s.

West, if I correctly recall, was a forward at West Virginia. He eas a great rebounder in college and in the NBA. He was the best shooter in the league at distance (Hal Greer was the best intermediate shooter, in my opinion). West would have added several points to his scoring average if the 3-point basket had been instituted. The NBA All-Defense team was not selected until the 1968--69 season. West had played 8 seasons as a young guard. He made 4 first teams and 2 second teams beginning with the 1968 season. If the team had been selected beginning in 1960, his first season. It is not unreasonable to project his winning first team 6 of those seasons. If so, he would have been the all-time leader in that regard. Outstanding as an assist maker. Led his team to 9 finals. He was great on offense and defense, and a courageous driver, as his 9 broken noses evidenced. I recall those battles with the Celtics. In a 1969 finals post 1st-game quote, Bill Russell was asked if West's 53 points had doomed the Celts. He responded that actually West's 21 assists did the trick. Russell called West "the greatest player in the NBA" and and SI article stated that to a man the entire Celtic team thought West the greatest player they had ever competed against. Oscar Robertson was great, but he was the biggest ball hog in the league. I believe West was the most outstanding guard of his era. He was also a phenomenal leader, rivaling Bill Russell.

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I always enjoy passing the Jerry West highway sign in my drives thru WV.

Bob was an original and is truly missed. His family was truly wonderful and all my condolences to them. My work friends in the 90’s gave me a Duke jewelry box that plays recordings of Bob’s most famous calls when opened, it’s a treasure.

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